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Just read a magazine article about a group of 'murfers' who live in Australia. Murfers are surfing moms. According to their endless Istagram posts, they lead 'curated' lives which include dressing in linen when they aren't wearing bikinis, decorating their homes in beachy monochrome tones, raising broods of tow-heads and running their own artisinal companies on the side while living the 'slow' life. Beyond their companies, they earn money by being 'micro-influencers.' Influencers have corporate sponsors on their social media accounts. Influencers, well, influence people. You look at the linen shift, you wanna get it too.

I don't want the linen (imagine the wrinkles! imagine the stains!). But I wanna be an influencer. I'll settle for micro. Who would sponsor me? Obviously, my brand would be very popular with crafting suppliers, particularly on-line bead stores. But I can go bigger than that. I can spread out. Assisted living devices, like a nifty thing I have that helps inflexible me put on my socks. I could do a bang-up job influencing people to buy Konsyl, the cadillac of fiber supplements. I confess that I sometimes buy the CVS generic brand of this product because it is cheaper, but, Konsyl, if you are reading this, I promise to only get the real deal from now on.

There is a robust market for containers of all types and sizes. I can influence people to buy containers or maybe just catalogues for containers. 100% cotten Granny underwear of a certain type - I am confident there is a vast, untapped market out there.

Why stop at sponsorship from corporations that sell material items? How about promoting rationalizations? I can influence people to not do all sorts of things and feel happy and justified. Avoiding folks that are plain crazy. Saying No. Getting a grip on yourself. Movies you should watch because they are SO BAD, they are hysterical.

Thanks, murfers, for influencing me to write this post.

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